Bangalore "B Group"

Bangalore “B Group” conducted on 12/08/2022 at Christ University, Bannarghatta Road Campus where all the Officers, PI Staff and ANO/CTO of all the schools and colleges were invited to attend. Reporting time was at 9.30am, the meeting started at 10 am. The presence of the Group Commander Col Jacob Freeman brought a sense of liveliness among the crowd.

Once the opening address was done, there were list of topics which was covered by ANO’s and PI Staff to the knowledge of the officers and ANO’s present there.
1. Preparation of RDC
2. Institutional Trg
4. Preparation for TSC
5. Preparation for Shooting
6. Enrollment Procedure
7. Preparation for VSC
8. Camp Documentation
9. Felicitation
10. Address by Group Commander

They used PPT Presentation for each topics to make it more interesting. The Group Commanders speech was inspirational and his appreciation motivated all the ANO’s to conduct more events and help the cadets to learn, explore and gain knowledge.