Bio Beacon
It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most
responsive to change ”- Charles Darwin
The Biology Activity- ‘Bio Beacon’, presented by the students of Class 8 was held on 13th August 2021. The students of all the sections- 8A, 8B, 8C & 8D enthusiastically participated in this activity. We started the program with the welcome speech by Merlyn Nithya Leslie, which was followed by a prayer and prayer song.
8A presented an informative video on the topic “Loss of Habitat and Biodiversity”. The rich variety of life on Earth and how the natural habitat is getting destroyed was well explained. The topic
“Greenhouse gases and
its effects” was presented by the students of class 8B. The effect of greenhouse gases and its impact on the world we will inherit is important for us to understand. An educational video was presented by the students
of 8C on “Climate change, deforestation and fires”. The destruction of forests on a massive scale and its relationship with climate change was well expressed. The video presented by 8D on the topic “Food
adulteration” was eye-opening and made us realise the importance of organic food. The vegetative propagation of the potato, onion and ginger plant was also shown.
Our principal Sr. Alpana appreciated and, as always, gave us tremendous encouragement with her kind words. The vote of thanks was delivered by Sriya Srivathsa.
We the students of class 8 would like to thank our biology teachers – Ms.Sneha, Ms. Janet and Ms. Precina for motivating and guiding us to make this activity a huge success and helped all of us understand our biosphere
that much better.