Independence Day

The 75th Independence Day on August 15, 2021, was celebrated in Sophia High School amidst measured pomp and gaiety. The air reverberated with the clear call of the chief cadet of NCC calling the attention of the spectators to the arrival of the Chief Guest, Father Daniel Raj, Rector at Xavier Nilaya, accompanied by the Provincial Superior Sr Chetana, Principal Sr Alpana and Sisters of Notre Dame. The Sophia Brass Ensemble accorded a ceremonial welcome to the dignitaries.

Head girl, Mahika Adappa invited Chief Guest Fr. Daniel and Principal Sr Alpana to unfurl the National Flag amidst the rolling of drums which was followed by the rendition of the national anthem by the Sophia Brass Band.

The National pledge was administered with great solemnity by Sports captain Khushi VR. The patriotic fervour was further entrenched by the beautiful rendition of ‘Vande Mataram’ by the music department of Sophia.

Father Daniel very aptly addressed the gathering with words of encouragement and wisdom asking the youth to think what they can do for their country. The melodious tune of ‘Sare Jahan se achha’ played by the Sophia brass band intensified the atmosphere of patriotism.

Sr Alpana inspired the students and all those gathered through a short speech. The school choir, guided by Mr. Abishek proceeded to captivate the audience with the song ‘Ae Watan’.

The Interact club launched their new venture of ‘Yuvathi Bhavati Paryavaran’ programme during the celebration. Sr. Chetana inaugurated the eco-kits as part of this programme and motivated all to take measures to nurture and contribute to the ecological development.

The celebration was attended by Sr Chetana, Provincial Superior of the Visitation Province, Principals of the Junior and Opportunity school, students from various classes, members of the Interact Club, teachers and parents. The celebration concluded with a vote of thanks delivered by the Assistant head girl of the school, Meghna Mary.

The celebration continued virtually on YouTube with its theme ‘Unity in Diversity’ scripted by Krithika Kannan of 12 Arts. The colourful extravaganza of dance, skit and songs added a perfect touch befitting the day.