Workers Day Report

Sophia High School celebrated Workers Day on the 25th of September 2021.The theme for the days program was “Your Commitment -Our Shield “It was organised by the staff and the students of Mater.

The program began at 10:30 a.m. 46 workers were warmly welcomed by the teachers of Mater, Staff Council and the students.Miss Prithvi and Miss Sneha were the anchors of the day. The day’s events began with a video presentation of the cultural events performed by students of Julie, Barat, Cuvilly, Mater and Duchesne.

The workers were then felicitated by the Sisters and were presented with appreciation gifts from the management and the PTA members. Mr.Chettri was specially recognised and appreciated for his dedicated service to the school on the occasion of his retirement. He addressed the gathering with a few words of gratitude. Sister Chetana, the provincial superior and Sister Alpana, the Principle addressed the workers and appreciated their service and dedication to the school.

Mr. David rendered the vote of thanks on behalf of all the workers. A sumptuous lunch was hosted for the workers by the Management.