This year, by the grace of God, we were able to organize the grade XI orientation in the offline mode keeping in mind all the necessary Covid-19 protocols. The program was attended by the new batch consisting of 130 students and their parents. The session began at 9:00 a.m. with a short prayer service conducted by the members of the newly elected Student Council. Sr. Alpana, our Principal, welcomed the Grade 11 students and parents and addressed the gathering by sharing a video titled ‘The Race of Life’ to highlight the message that winning or what one wins is not as important as how one wins. She urged the students to always embrace the spirit of compassion and cooperation.
Our Chief Guest for the day was Ms. Brinda Adige who spoke in an extremely engaging manner about how the difference in point of view will always remain between children and their parents but we must be respectful, patient and try to understand one another. She also encouraged the students to be courageous and confident in creating their own identities and not give in to the negative influence of social media and peer pressure. Many parents from the audience expressed their appreciation for the message conveyed by both our Principal and
Ms. Brinda. They thanked the school for organizing such an insightful orientation.
The programme was then continued with the introduction of the school which was done by screening a video on Sophia life compiled by the student council leaders which excited the students and parents about becoming a part of the Sophia family. After this, the rules and regulations of the school were read out and general information regarding uniforms and books was delivered to facilitate a smooth transition of the students from grade X to XI. The faculty members were then introduced which was followed by a question-answer session where parents clarified their various school related concerns.
After the programme ended, the parents were invited to partake of refreshments arranged for them after which they returned home. The students, on the other hand, had a full working day and after a short break they met in their respective classrooms where they introduced themselves to their teacher and classmates. After lunch the new students were then sorted into the four houses- Anderson, Barat, Bennett and Julie.
The day concluded on a successful note with the parents enthusiastic about their choice of school and the students brimming with excitement to start their journey as proud Sophiates.